Lets Discuss! 

My Query :
Are you an Artist or an Actor?? What is the difference??

Are some actors judging the characters that they wish to play or portray? Im interested in hearing more from you all on this subject.
If the Character is, for example: Racist, Rapist, Incestuous, Homicidal Maniac, Sociopathic Killer, Hate Mongers, Drug Addict, Prostitutes, Suffer from Mental & Physical Abuse. Abusive Husband/Wife/Mother/Father/Child? Abused Husband/Wife/Father/Mother/Child?Mentally Challenged? Homosexual, are you interested in portraying them?

Would you portray, Charles Manson, Aileen Wuornous, Tookie Williams, Jim Jones, Nat Turner, Sidney Biddle Barrows, Scott Peterson, Susan Smith, Diane Downs, Ike & Tina Turner and so on.

Can you breath life? Find the Humanity in all characters? Are you interested in that type of work?

If not, what type of work are you interested in?
Are you judging the characters? Their Lives? Their backgrounds and back stories? Is it challenging to explain to your families or friends the type of character that you're portraying?
Is commercial work more appealing? Does is pay more? Is it more socially acceptable? Does it feed the ego?
Will you do short films? Do short films really help to build a good Reel??
I had an teen actress/intern, who at 16 told me that she wanted to be chased, dragged and killed in a film or television project. She prayed on those feelings and put them forth and next thing we know, she coached, auditioned, and booked the opening scene of a 1 hour drama where she was chased, dragged and killed! Not something that you think a 16 year old would want to do, however during that process, she told me that she is an Artist and she is open to portraying all kinds of characters! Bianca Bethune is an Artist!
There are, however, some stories to the contrary. Some may find certain characters revolting, disgusting, sickening, nauseating, unpalatable, repugnant, objectionable and loathsome. Does that exist?
If so does it drive you to want to play the character? after being affected??
Please Advise?

You Don't Wanna What??... Huh??
Currently, Twinkie Byrd is casting two (2) Brilliant Thesis Short Films.
Great blog Twinkie! We miss your insights. Bianca Bethune is an Artist! Yes!
I think we all judge characters at some point in our life. The job then becomes to solve that judement and make it valid for you. You cant do justice to a role if you are judging the character you are portraying. I have learned to take on the challenge of playing roles that most people dont like, and trying to convince the audiance that I the character had a reason for what ever ugly act that was committed. That to me is exciting!!!!
I want to play a variety of characters- good, bad, ugly and everything in between. Our job as actors is to show the humanity in each one, regardless of how horrendous they may be.
The job of an actor is to portray a character, whether we deem them to be "right" or "wrong" because both are subjective. As actors we have to be able to relate on some level to doing something that we think that we would NEVER do, because all of us have the capacity to do that exact thing! As an artist, an actor must be truthful and the only way to get to that point, is to find that relatable quality within that person. Then, we can call ourselves artists! Bravo to Bianca for being bold enough to go there!
SO good to see you back! Preach, baby. XO
Hello All,
What a great topic! First of all, I don't believe that there is a difference between an actor and an artist because, in my opinion, an actor IS an artist.
It baffles when people who consider themselves professional actors, do not consider themselves artists. When you realize that storytelling of any sort (through art, music, dance, acting, etc.)is your purpose, and you truly devote yourself to your craft and groom yourself for the world, you ARE an artist; because you are a storyteller, creatively.
On the other hand, I think that being able to read scripts and not judge a character comes with creative maturity. Instinctively, we can kind of tell whether the project or character interests us off the bat, but being able to read a script alone and not judge a character definitely comes with creative maturity. Meaning that: you at least give a the story a chance and allow the character time to develop before making your personal decision.
However, we all know what is best for us so allowing ourselves non-judgemental consideration(at the very least) lessens future possibilities of regret.
Not to put words in the anyone elses mouth, but to share my personal goal: I look for STRONG messages, whether it be negative or positive. People can easily LEARN from what we present which may be a negative character or a not so peachy keen story, which ultimately equals a job well done. Someone actually getting something from what you've presented.
In conclusion, I (as an artist) will continue to give all roles a chance as long as they aren't morally impinging-- that is where I draw the line.
Other than that, I'm as vulnerable (character wise) as I was pushed to be during my very first 'breakthrough'. Shouldn't we all be? ;-)
everybody man not agree with me but morally there are some roles I just don't want to be a part of. I love to play a lot of different roles for the challenge, but I can't see myself accepting a role as a rapist in a film if I actually had to perform a rape scene. That is just me. Something like that would haunt me and wake me up at night. That may be one out of a few roles that I wouldn't do for my own personal reasons but for the most part as actors we need to be open cuz you never know what could be the ROLE that puts you were you want to be.
Hello Twinkie,
Great blog! Very inspiring words from some very inspirational people.
In answer to your question " do actors find it difficult not to be judgmental with their Characters," I think it's sometimes difficult not to be. Though through judging a character I become biased and emotionally involved. That means I am not becoming the character, but instead showing an interpretation of what I would like him to be. If I become subjective I can accurately portray a role without "the baggage," and no matter who that role is, be it a martyr, a murderer, a king, or a lover, I can play the action and not the emotions of the character.
Incidentally, I recently completed a lead role in an adaptation of "Kafka's," "The Judgement," entitled "Dissent," which took me on my first location filming to
I hope this finds you well. Best Wishes,
Guy Balotine. (soon to be relocating to L.A. From NY)
Wow, great question. I have found throughout my career, and life as a spiritual being that roles come to me in order to heal my judgements. In one role I played a "baby mama" who lived in the projects most contentedly....very different from the way I was raised to view life. In finding my love for her, I healed the judgements that I had been taught and saw life completely through her eyes and heart. In my most recent role (an indie), I played a sista who slept with a man after meeting him at a club, fell for him, and basically "chased" him throughout the story. She was a very needy person...TOTALLY THE OPPOSITE of who I am and how I live my life. Again, I had to accept her essence, find her motivations and heal myself of judgement by playing her in truth. Thanks for the opportunity to share. Your blog is FANTASTIC!! I just read every post...which is why 2 years later I'm commenting on this one! :-) KEEP SHINING SUPERSTAR!!
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